Crompton Greaves FHP Electric Motors
Single Phase Motors are used in variety of applications in households and small industrial sectors, where three phase power supply is not available. Single Phase motors are classified based on the type of starting mechanism. Widely used starting mechanisms are SplitPhase, Capacitor Start and Run, Capacitor Start Induction Run & Capacitor Start Capacitor Run
The origins of CG can be traced back to the pioneering work of Colonel REB Crompton, who, in 1878 founded a business at Chelmsford, Essex, England under the name of REB Crompton & Co., to engage in the manufacture and contracting of electrical equipment. REB Crompton & Co. merged with F&A Parkinson Limited, thereby establishing Crompton Parkinson Limited (CPL) in England. In 1937, CPL established its wholly owned Indian subsidiary 'Crompton Parkinson Works Ltd.', in Mumbai, along with a sales organization, 'Greaves Cotton & Crompton Parkinson Ltd.' In the year 1947, with the dawn of the independence of India, the Company was taken over by Lala Karamchand Thapar, an eminent Indian industrialist who formed the Thapar Group. In 1966, Crompton Parkinson Works Ltd and Greaves Cotton & Crompton Parkinson Ltd. merged to create Crompton Greaves Limited (CG) in its present form
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Massey Coldbeck Ltd
Gladeswood Road
off Lees Road
Knowsley Industrial Park North
L33 7BB
T: 0844 801 22 33
F: 0151 546 9234